New Mexico Register / Volume XXXIII, Issue 7 / April 5, 2022



This is an amendment to 16.31.14 NMAC, Section 8, effective 4/15/2022.             FEES:  The fees for examination, original licensure and annual renewal, licensure by reciprocity and special fees are as follows:

                A.            Enterprise or establishment license (original)                                                 $200.00

                B.            Enterprise or establishment license (renewal)                                                $50.00

                C.            Booth establishment license (original)                                                             $200.00

                D.            Booth establishment license (renewal)                                                            $50.00

                E.            School license (original and renewal)                                                              $500.00

                F.            Relocation of a school                                                                                        $185.00

                G.            Barber license (original and renewal)                                                              [$50.00] $100.00

                H.            Cosmetologist license (original and renewal)                                                [$50.00] $100.00

                I.             Hairstylist license (original and renewal)                                                       $50.00

                J.             Manicurist/pedicurist license (original and renewal)                                    [$50.00] $100.00

                K.            Manicurist/esthetician license (original and renewal)                                  [$50.00] $100.00

                L.            Electrologist license (original and renewal)                                                   [$50.00] $100.00

                M.           Esthetician license (original and renewal)                                                      [$50.00] $100.00

                N.            Instructor license (original and renewal)                                                         [$50.00] $100.00

                O.            Reciprocity (original)                                                                                          $150.00

                P.            Administrative fee (other examination administrative costs)                     a maximum of $100.00

                Q.            Administrative fee (lists on disks)                                                                    $95.00

                R.            Administrative fee (relocation of establishments, etc.)                                $25.00

                S.             Examinations and re-examinations all licenses except instructor               a maximum of $100.00

                T.            Instructor examination and re-examination                                                   a maximum of $100.00

                U.            Duplicate licenses                                                                                                $25.00

                V.            Student permit license                                                                                         $25.00

                W.           Barber apprentice license                                                                                   $25.00

                X.            Late fee                                                                                                                 $40.00

                Y.            Provider approval, initial and renewal                                                             $50.00

                Z.            Re-inspection fee                                                                                                up to $200.00.

[ NMAC - Rp 16 NMAC 34.14.8, 6/16/2001; A, 7/16/2004; A, 10/04/2007; A, 4/12/2010; A, 10/29/2016; A, 7/14/2018; A, 4/15/2022]