PART 7                 ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE                 ISSUING AGENCY:  Administrative Office of the District Attorneys

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]                 SCOPE:  This part sets forth the rules governing the attendance and leave of employees in the office of the district attorneys.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.01, 06/30/2010]                 STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  This rule is adopted pursuant to:

                A.            Section 36-1-25 NMSA 1978 which, among other things, authorizes the duly appointed director of the administrative office of the district attorneys to appoint necessary personnel and assign their duties within the administrative office of the district attorneys;

                B.            Section 36-1-26 NMSA 1978 which, among other things, requires the director of the administrative office of the district attorneys to develop uniform systems for use by district attorney offices with respect to personnel matters;

                C.            Section 36-1A-2 NMSA 1978 of the District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Act, Sections 36-1A-1 through 36-1A-15 NMSA 1978, which, among other things, created the District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Act to establish for all district attorneys a uniform, equitable and binding system of personnel administration;

                D.            Section 36-1A-8 NMSA 1978 which, among other things, requires the district attorneys to promulgate personnel rules, with the assistance of the director of the administrative office of the district attorneys as authorized by Subsection I of Section 36-1-26 NMSA 1978, which among other things requires the director of the administrative office of the district attorneys to perform such other duties in furtherance of the administration of the business of the district attorneys as directed by the elected or appointed district attorneys; and

                E.             Section 36-1A-8 (B) (4) NMSA 1978 which requires the promulgation of district attorney personnel rules governing hours of work requirements and holiday, overtime and leave policies.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]                 DURATION:  Permanent

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]                 EFFECTIVE DATE:  June 30, 2010, unless a later date cited at the end of a section.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]                 OBJECTIVE:  To establish for all district attorneys a uniform, equitable and binding system of personnel administration.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]                 DEFINITIONS:  [RESERVED]

[See NMAC]                 HOURS OF WORK:

                A.            The standard work week for full-time, covered employees shall be forty (40) hours.  All full-time and part-time employees shall be required to be present on their assigned job for the total hours in the established work week, unless absent with authorization.

                B.            Required attendance at training courses shall be considered as hours worked.

                C.            When an employee is in official travel status under the law, time spent in travel beyond the normal work day shall be considered as hours worked.

                D.            The standard lunch period for all employees shall be one (1) hour each day and any deviations shall be approved by the district attorney.

                E.             All employees may be permitted one work break during the first half of their work day and one work break during the second half. No single work break shall exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Employees are not permitted to accumulate unused work breaks.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.03, 06/30/2010]                 RECORD KEEPING:

                A.            Each district attorney’s office is required to keep an accurate record of all hours worked by each employee.  A record of all authorized leaves of absence taken by employees, pursuant to these rules, shall be kept.

                B.            Falsification of any attendance or leave records shall be cause for dismissal of the employee or employees involved.

 [ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.04, 06/30/2010]               OVERTIME:

                A.            Overtime is calculated in terms of a work week beginning on Saturday and ending on Friday which is a fixed and regularly recurring period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours of seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods. If an employee is required to work beyond forty (40) hours in a work week, overtime shall be compensated at time and a half.  All overtime work must be authorized in advance by the district attorneys or their designees.

                B.            Failure of an employee to work scheduled overtime may result in disciplinary action against that employee.

                C.            Law enforcement personnel are subject to overtime after more than eighty-six (86) hours per pay period or fourteen consecutive days. However, public safety employees who work for public agencies with fewer than five (5) public safety employees engaged in law enforcement are totally exempt from overtime compensation. Therefore, law enforcement personnel in district attorneys’ offices where this provision applies will not be paid overtime.

                D.            For purposes of overtime compensation, all leave, with the exception of state designated holidays, will not count as time worked.

                E.             Supervisors, subject to the approval of the district attorney, may grant employees compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours off for every one (1) hour of overtime worked. This arrangement must be agreed upon by all parties before the overtime work is performed.

                F.             The employee must use any accumulated compensatory time within ninety (90) days after its accrual unless otherwise authorized by the district attorneys or their designees and agreed upon by all parties. Accrued compensatory leave time shall be taken at a mutually agreeable time.

                G.            Upon separation of employment, unused compensatory time shall be paid at the employee’s average rate per hour over the last three (3) years of employment or their present salary, whichever is greater.

                H.            If an employee accrues more than two hundred forty (240) hours of compensatory time, they may receive cash compensation at the rate of time and one-half for any additional overtime worked.

                I.              Some positions, as determined by the personnel review board, may not be eligible for overtime compensation.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.05, 06/30/2010]               ANNUAL LEAVE:

                A.            Annual leave shall be accrued by all eligible employees from the first day of employment. Eligible employees include all employees, except those in temporary positions.  In the case of part-time employees, leave shall be accrued in proration to hours worked. For any service less than one (1) month, annual leave will be prorated.

                B.            All full-time employees who are eligible shall accrue annual leave as follows:

                    (1)     if less than four (4) years of service, then the rate of annual accrual shall be four and sixty-two hundredths (4.62) hours per pay period, ten (10) hours per month, and one hundred twenty (12) hours per year;

                    (2)     if four (4) or more but less than eight (8) years of service, then the rate of annual leave accrual shall be five and eight hundredths (5.08) hours per pay period, eleven (11) hours per month, or one hundred thirty-two (132) hours per year;

                    (3)     if eight (8) or more but less than twelve (12) years of service, then the rate of annual leave accrual shall be five and fifty-four hundredths (5.54) hours per pay period, twelve (12) hours per month, or one hundred forty-four (144) hours per year;

                    (4)     if twelve (12) or more but less than sixteen (16) years of service, then the rate of annual leave accrual shall be six (6) hours per pay period, thirteen (13) hours per month, or one hundred fifty-six (156) hours per year; and

                    (5)     if sixteen (16) or more years of service, then the rate of annual leave accrual shall be six and forty-six hundredths (6.46) hours per pay period, fourteen (14) hours per month, or one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours per year.

                C.            Annual leave shall be accrued at the end of each pay period or on the last working day of the month depending on which alternative the district attorney chooses.  In the case of separation, annual leave shall be accrued on the last day the employee is on the payroll.

                D.            During leaves of absence with pay, an employee shall accrue annual leave.

                E.             During leaves of absence without pay or leave without pay, an employee shall not accrue annual leave.

                F.             The maximum carryover of accrued annual leave from one calendar year to the next is no more than two hundred forty (240) hours.  Any excess must be used before the end of each calendar year or it shall be forfeited.  Each district attorney shall make every reasonable effort to advise employees of their annual leave status to avoid the loss of accrued leave by employees. The accrued annual leave of each employee shall be adjusted so that no employee begins a calendar year with more accrued annual leave than the maximum permitted.

                G.            Annual leave shall not be authorized prior to the time it is earned.

                H.            All annual leave shall be requested by the employee and approved in advance by the district attorney or their designee.

                I.              An employee transferring into a district attorney’s office from either the executive, judicial or legislative branches of New Mexico state government or from another New Mexico district attorney’s office shall be credited with the employee’s unused annual leave.

                J.             Forfeiture of accrued annual leave as a disciplinary action shall not be authorized.  No employee shall lose accrued annual leave because of promotion, demotion or transfer within a district attorney’s office including a change of classification.

                K.            An employee who separates from the service of a district attorney’s office shall be paid for the employee’s total accrued annual leave not to exceed two hundred forty (240) hours.

                L.             An employee subpoenaed as an expert witness in a court or administrative hearing, not involving personal litigation or service with a district attorney’s office shall use annual leave, and any expert witness fees shall be retained by the employee. The district attorney shall not reimburse the employee for per diem or travel expenses incurred while serving as an expert witness.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.06, 06/30/2010]               SICK LEAVE:

                A.            Sick leave shall be accrued by all eligible employees from the first day of employment. Eligible employees include all employees, except those in temporary positions.  In the case of part-time employees, leave shall be accrued in proration to hours worked. For any service less than one month, sick leave will be prorated.

                B.            All full-time employees who are eligible shall accrue eight (8) hours of sick leave per month as follows:

                    (1)     three and sixty-nine hundredths (3.69) hours per period;

                    (2)     eight (8) hours per month; or

                    (3)     ninety-six (96) hours per year.

                C.            Sick leave shall be accrued at the end of each pay period or on the last working day of the month depending on which alternative the district attorney chooses. In the case of separation, sick leave shall be accrued on the last day the employee is on the payroll.

                D.            Sick leave shall be used only for an illness, injury or medical treatment of an employee or bereavement for or medical care of a relation by blood or marriage within the third degree or person residing within the employee’s household. Abuse of sick leave shall be grounds for dismissal.

                E.             It is the responsibility of an employee to notify their supervisor within the first (1st) hour of their scheduled workday of an absence from work necessitating sick leave.

                F.             If the employee has hours available in annual leave or compensatory time, then these hours may be used in lieu of sick leave.  When all types of leave are exhausted, the employee may be placed on leave without pay.

                G.            During leaves of absence with pay, an employee shall accrue sick leave.

                H.            During leaves of absence without pay or leave without pay, an employee shall not accrue sick leave.

                I.              Sick leave shall not be authorized prior to the time it is earned.

                J.             There shall be no limit on the number of sick leave hours an employee may accrue.

                K.            An employee transferring into a district attorney’s office from either the executive, judicial or legislative branches of New Mexico state government or from another New Mexico district attorney’s office shall be credited with the employee’s unused sick leave.

                L.             An employee who makes a false claim or who fails to cooperate in an investigation regarding their claim for sick leave shall not be paid for sick leave and shall be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal.

                M.           Forfeiture of accrued sick leave as a disciplinary action shall not be authorized. No employee shall lose accrued sick leave because of promotion, demotion or transfer within a district attorney’s office, including a change of classification.

                N.            A certificate from a physician verifying the continued or recurring illness, injury or medical treatment may be required by the district attorney.  If the requested certificate is not provided, sick leave may be terminated and the employee ordered to return to work by a specific date or be subject to dismissal.

                O.            Employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions must be treated the same as persons affected by other medical conditions.

                P.             In accordance with Section 10-7-10, NMSA 1978, employees who have accumulated six hundred (600) hours of unused sick leave are entitled to be paid for additional unused sick leave at a rate equal to fifty percent (50%) of their hourly rate of pay for up to one hundred twenty (120) hours of sick leave.  Payment for unused sick leave may be made only once per fiscal year on either the payday immediately following the first full pay period in January or the first full pay period in July.

                Q.            In accordance with Section 10-7-11, NMSA 1978, immediately prior to retirement from the service, employees who have accumulated more than six hundred (600) hours of unused sick leave are entitled to be paid up to four hundred (400) hours of unused sick leave over and above the accumulated six hundred (600) hours of unused sick leave, at a rate equal to fifty percent (50%) of their hourly rate.

                R.            Upon separation of employment, accrued sick leave shall be forfeited except as provided in Subsection Q.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.07, 06/30/2010]               WORKERS' COMPENSATION LEAVE:

                A.            An employee who is entitled to workers’ compensation shall be compensated and treated in accordance with the Workers’ Compensation Act, Chapter 52, Article 1, NMSA 1978, as amended.

                B.            An employee who sustains a job-related disability and is temporarily unable to perform his/her regular duties shall, after the first seven days of disability, be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits as provided by New Mexico law.

                C.            In order to preclude loss of pay during the first seven days, the employee may use sick leave, annual leave, compensatory time or any combination thereof.  If there are no paid leave accruals, the employee shall be placed on leave without pay for the initial seven-day period plus the subsequent duration of disability.

                D.            The employee may elect to use accrued sick, compensatory or annual leave in an amount necessary to receive salary payment that will increase the workers’ compensation payments to the total salary being received prior to the occurrence of the disability.  In no case shall the employee’s salary and workers’ compensation benefits exceed the amount of the employee’s regular salary payments.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.08, 06/30/2010]               FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE:

                A.            Eligible employees are entitled to leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.).  Eligible employees are those who have been employed in either the executive, judicial, or legislative branches of New Mexico state government or any local public body within New Mexico for at least one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) hours during the consecutive twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the start of FMLA leave.

                B.            Eligible employees are entitled to a total of twelve (12) weeks of FMLA leave in a twelve (12) month period for the following reasons: birth of a child, placement of an adopted child, an employee’s serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member, as defined in the FMLA.  The twelve (12) week period shall be calculated forward from the date an employee’s first FMLA leave begins.

                C.            FMLA leave may be comprised of any combination of sick leave, annual leave, or leave without pay and must be requested and pre-approved at least thirty (30) days in advance, except in the case of emergencies.

                D.            No part of FMLA leave shall be considered a break in employment and shall not change an employee’s anniversary date.

                E.             Employees shall not accrue sick or annual leave nor be paid for “observed” holidays while on unpaid FMLA leave.  Employees may be paid for “observed” holidays and accrued annual and sick leave on a prorated basis based on whether FMLA leave is paid or unpaid.

                F.             The required FMLA notices shall be posted in all district attorneys’ offices, and all offices are required to maintain employee FMLA leave records.  All medical records and correspondence relating to employees or their families shall be considered confidential.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]               LEAVE WITHOUT PAY:

                A.            An employee may, upon request, be granted leave without pay for a period not exceeding twelve (12) months, provided the district attorney deems such leave to be justified and not detrimental to the operations of the office.

                B.            The district attorney may place an employee on involuntary leave without pay for up to twelve (12) months for the purpose of investigation of a violation of law or pending the disposition of criminal charges.

                C.            Employees do not accrue sick or annual leave or any benefits while on leave without pay.

                D.            Leave without pay may be granted only when the district attorney can assure a position of like status and pay at the same geographic location upon the return of the employee from leave without pay.  However, if the district attorney cannot make such assurances, the employee may waive in writing those assurances and be granted the leave without pay.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.09, 06/30/2010]               ABSENCE WITHOUT LEAVE:

                A.            Employees who fail to appear for work without authorized leave or who appear for work but are in violation of office policy governing their readiness for work shall be considered to be absent without leave.

                B.            Employees shall not be paid for any periods of absence without leave and shall not accrue sick or annual leave.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.10, 06/30/2010]               ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE:

                A.            The district attorney may authorize an employee administrative leave when it is in the best interest of the district attorney’s office to do so.

                B.            An employee who has been duly appointed as a member of a public board or commission shall be entitled to administrative leave, with the consent of the district attorney, to attend meetings provided such attendance does not adversely affect the performance of the employee’s required duties.

                C.            Employees who are registered and eligible voters may absent themselves from work for two hours for the purpose of voting between the time of the opening and the time of the closing of the polls.  The district attorneys or their designees may specify the hours during which the voter (employee) may be absent.  This leave is not available to employees whose work day begins more than two hours subsequent to the time of opening the polls or ends more than three hours prior to the time of closing the polls.

                D.            Employees shall be entitled to administrative leave when appearing in obedience to a subpoena.  Fees received as a witness during normal working hours, excluding reimbursement for meals, travel and overtime, shall be remitted to the district attorney’s office.

                E.             Employees shall be entitled to administrative leave for serving on a federal, state, grand or petit jury.  Fees received as a juror during normal working hours, excluding reimbursement for meals, travel and overtime, shall be remitted to the district attorney’s office.

                F.             In no case shall administrative leave be granted for court attendance when an employee is engaged in personal litigation or service as a paid expert witness.  However, an employee may be granted annual leave in such cases with the approval of the district attorney.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.11, 06/30/2010]               EDUCATIONAL LEAVE:  Educational leave permits employees to pursue special training related to their employment.   A district attorney may grant an employee educational leave with or without pay.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.12, 06/30/2010]               MILITARY LEAVE - ACTIVE DUTY:

                A.            An employee who is ordered to active duty (not active duty training) and presents a copy of the official orders or appropriate military certificate to the district attorney shall be granted military leave with pay for the first fifteen (15) calendar days.  After the paid military leave has been exhausted, the remainder of time they are on active duty must be taken as leave without pay, unless they elect to use their annual or compensatory leave.

                B.            Employees who enter active military duty are entitled to return to their former positions or to similar positions with the same pay provided they are still qualified to perform the duties of the position.  Employees must notify the respective district attorney’s office that they are eligible for re-employment within thirty (30) days of release from military service.

                C.            Upon re-employment, employees are entitled to be treated as though they never left for purposes of rights and benefits based upon length of service.  The time spent in the military shall count for seniority, general pay increases and annual accrual rate purposes.  Part-time employees shall receive prorated benefits.

                D.            Employees in the reserves and the national guard who are called to active duty shall first be granted any remaining military leave from the fiscal year normally used for training purposes and then be granted an additional fifteen (15) days of military leave, as authorized by the governor.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.13, 06/30/2010]               MILITARY LEAVE - ACTIVE DUTY: TRAINING:

                A.            Members of organized reserve units or the national guard ordered to active duty training shall be given up to fifteen (15) working days of paid military leave per federal fiscal year.  These fifteen (15) days are in addition to other authorized leave.

                B.            The governor may grant members of the national guard paid military leave for active duty training, in addition to that already given by law.  Such additional leave must not exceed fifteen (15) working days per federal fiscal year.

                C.            Members of the state defense force shall be granted paid military leave to attend officially authorized training or instruction courses.  Such leave applies only to full-time employees and must not exceed fifteen (15) working days per federal fiscal year.

                D.            Members of the civil air patrol shall be granted military leave not to exceed fifteen (15) working days per calendar year for search and rescue missions.

                E.             Employees who are members of a reserve component of the United States armed forces shall, upon request, be granted unpaid leave for the period required to perform active duty for training or inactive duty training in the United States armed forces according to the provisions of 38 U.S.C. Section 2024.  The employee may choose to utilize their annual leave for this purpose.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.14, 06/30/2010]               PERSONAL LEAVE:

                A.            Employees in full-time positions who have completed at least one year of service are entitled to one (1) personal leave day each calendar year.  Employees in part-time positions who have completed at least one (1) year of service are entitled to a personal leave prorated to the hours worked.

                B.            The personal leave must be taken during eight (8) consecutive hours or, in the case of part-time employees, consecutive prorated hours.

                C.            The personal leave must be used within the calendar year that it was accrued, or it shall be forfeited.

                D.            Employees who do not take the personal leave shall not be paid for it upon separation from the service.

                E.             The personal leave may be used for any purpose the employee chooses.  Such leave must be requested and approved in advance.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.15, 06/30/2010]               HOLIDAYS:

                A.            The district attorneys’ offices shall observe the dates published by the New Mexico supreme court as legal public holidays.

                B.            Covered employees required to work on the day a holiday is observed shall be paid at two (2) times the usual hourly rate of pay for all hours actually worked on the holiday.

                C.            When a full-time employee’s scheduled non-work day falls on a day observed as a holiday, the employee shall be entitled to one other day off.

                D.            Employees must not be in a leave without pay status the normal work day immediately before and work day immediately after the holiday in order to be paid for the holiday.

                E.             Holidays which occur during an employee’s vacation or sick leave will be charged to holiday time and not vacation or sick leave.

[ NMAC - Rp, NMDAA 91-1.6.18, 06/30/2010]               UNAUTHORIZED LEAVE:  If an employee’s request for leave of absence with or without pay is disapproved and the employee takes unauthorized leave, the district attorney may place the employee on leave without pay and after an unauthorized leave of absence for three (3) consecutive workdays may consider the employee to have abandoned the position and resigned from the office of the district attorney.  Employees who are deemed absent without leave shall not accrue annual or sick leave.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]               DONATION OF ANNUAL LEAVE:

                A.            Employees may donate annual leave to other employees in the same district attorney’s office for a serious health condition or the serious health condition of a family member as defined in the FMLA, with the approval of the district attorney.

                B.            Each district attorney’s office is required to maintain records of all donations which shall include but are not limited to the following information: name of donor; amount of annual leave donated; name of recipient; amount of annual leave used; a health care provider’s description of the nature, severity and anticipated duration of the health condition provided by the employee or legally authorized representative; and any other pertinent information or documents requested by the district attorney.

                C.            Supporting documentation for the request to either donate or receive annual leave shall be kept confidential and not subject to public inspection without the written consent of the employee.

                D.            The method used for donation of annual leave shall be determined by the district attorney.

                E.             The recipient of donated annual leave may not use such leave until first exhausting all accrued annual leave, sick leave, compensatory time and personal leave.

                F.             The form “request for donation of annual leave” shall be used by employees requesting donated annual leave, and the form “annual leave donation disclosure,” shall be used by employees donating annual leave.  As authorized by the district attorneys as a group, the "request for donation of annual leave" forms and the "annual leave donation disclosure" forms are created by the administrative office of the district attorneys, and such forms are revised from time to time as authorized or ratified by the district attorneys as a group.  Current copies of the forms are maintained by, and are available from, the administrative office of the district attorneys.


                A.            With regard to a request for donation of annual leave, a form entitled "request for donation of annual leave" shall be completed and submitted.  The form may be created and revised from time to time by the administrative office of the district attorneys, subject to the approval or ratification by the district attorneys as a group.  The current version of the form shall be maintained by, and is available upon request from, the administrative office of the district attorneys and may contain the following information:

                    (1)     date submitted;

                    (2)     name of the district attorney or their designee;

                    (3)     name of the employee requesting the donation of annual leave;

                    (4)     if the annual leave donation request is sought for the employee's needs, a description of the reason why the donation is sought;

                    (5)     if the annual leave donation request is sought to address the needs of a family member, or another person (with a description of the relationship between the employee and the other person);

                              (a)     a description of the reasons the family member's or other person's needs necessitate the employee to request an annual leave donation; and

                              (b)     written documentary details from a health care provider about the nature, severity and duration of a serious health condition; and

                    (6)     the signature of the employee or their authorized representative requesting the donation of annual leave.

                B.            With regard to a donation of annual leave, a form entitled "annual leave donation disclosure" shall be completed and submitted.  The form may be created and revised from time to time by the administrative office of the district attorneys, subject to the approval or ratification by the district attorneys as a group.  The current version of the form shall be maintained by, and is available upon request from, the administrative office of the district attorneys and may contain the following information:

                    (1)     the typed or printed name of the employee who is donating their annual leave;

                    (2)     the number of hours of accrued annual leave that the employee is donating;

                    (3)     a statement that the donating employee understands that any annual leave remaining at the end of the emergency shall be forfeited;

                    (4)     the date the form is signed;

                    (5)     the address of the donating employee, including street, city, state and zip code;

                    (6)     the social security number of the donating employee; and

                    (7)     the signature of the donating employee.

[ NMAC - N, 06/30/2010]



Pre-NMAC History:  The material in this part was derived from that previously filed with the State Records Center:

NMDAA 90-1, New Mexico District Attorney’s Association Personnel Rules and Regulations for New Mexico District Attorneys Association, filed 2/22/90.

NMDAA 91-1, Personnel and Compensation Plan for the Employees of the District Attorneys of the State of New Mexico, filed 6/11/91.


History of Repealed Material:

NMDAA 91-1, Personnel and Compensation Plan for the Employees of the District Attorneys of the State of New Mexico, filed 6/11/91 - Repealed effective 06/30/2010.