TITLE 13               INSURANCE


PART 19               PRESCRIPTION DRUG INFORMATION CARDS             ISSUING AGENCY:  Public Regulation Commission, Insurance Division.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             SCOPE:

                A.            Applicability.  This rule applies to all health care insurers that provide, offer, or administer health benefit plans in New Mexico, except as otherwise provided in the act.

                B.            Conflicts.  For purposes of this rule, if any provision of this rule conflicts with any provision in 13.10.13 NMAC, Managed Health Care, the provisions of this rule shall apply.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  NMSA 1978 Section 59A-59-1 et seq.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             DURATION:  Permanent.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             EFFECTIVE DATE:  December 30, 2003, unless a later date is cited at the end of a section.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             OBJECTIVE:  The purpose of this rule is to implement the Prescription Drug Uniform Information Card Act.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             DEFINITIONS:  Act means the Prescription Drug Uniform Information Card Act, NMSA 1978 Sections 59A-59-1 et seq.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             CONTENT AND FORMAT:

                A.            Format.  Prescription drug identification cards shall be printed in Times New Roman, font size 8.  The information on the front of the card shall be left justified; the information on the back of the card shall be centered at the bottom of the card.

                B.            Additional information.  A health care insurer may add other information to a prescription drug identification card as long as the additional information does not reduce the readability of the required information.

                C.            Prior approval required.  A health care insurer shall submit to the superintendent by March 1, 2004 a schematic showing the contents and format of both sides of the card it proposes to use.  A health care insurer shall not issue prescription drug information cards, or cards for health insurance coverage that includes prescription drug coverage, until the superintendent approves the contents and format of the card.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]             IMPLEMENTATION:

                A.            Plan required.  A health care insurer shall submit to the superintendent by March 1, 2004 an implementation plan detailing how and when the health care insurer will meet the requirements of the act and this rule.  At a minimum, the plan shall indicate when the health care insurer plans to finalize the design of the card, when the health care insurer plans to commence issuing approved cards, and how the health care insurer plans to have all necessary cards issued by July 1, 2005.

                B.            Timeframe.  A health care insurer shall issue prescription drug information cards that meet the requirements of the act and this rule with new policies or renewed policies issued after the superintendent has approved the content and format of the card, or as requested by the cardholder, but no later than July 1, 2005.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]          PENALTIES FOR NONCOMPLIANCE:  The superintendent may impose penalties in accordance with NMSA 1978 Section 59A-1-18 for failure to comply with the requirements of the act and this rule.

[ NMAC - N, 12-30-03]